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shem's my name

A member registered May 15, 2019

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This game is delightful. Just finished it and I feel nowhere close to actually getting the hang of the mechanics

The writing was wonderful as well. It actually gave me some inspiration to continue my own sapphic love story I'm working on (slowly, and in Twine :p).

Can't even begin to imagine how much work went into this. Thank you!!


i don't know how to put it into words, but this game... gets it. i'm usually wary of games that explore such harsh themes, especially overt transphobia and slurs, yet this game did it in a way that is both sensitive and honest.

i still don't know how to feel about what i just experienced, but i do know that now i have a different lens from which to view violence and harm against us - not through pain and sadness alone, but through anger and strength as well.

thank you<3